The Gothic Line

The Gothic Line in Val di Bisenzio: A Path of Memory and History

The Gothic Line is a historic route that crosses the Val di Bisenzio, following the traces of the defensive line created by the German army retreating from Italy during World War II. This itinerary spans from the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic, passing through significant locations affected by the passage of the front.

Here are some stages of the Gothic Line that cross the Val di Bisenzio:
From Spedaletto to Rifugio Le Cave: This stage starts from Spedaletto and reaches Rifugio Le Cave. Along the way, you can still see the ruins of a fortified outpost of the German army.
From Rifugio Le Cave to San Quirico di Vernio: This stage continues from Rifugio Le Cave to San Quirico di Vernio. Along the route, immerse yourself in history and admire the panoramas of the valley.
From San Quirico di Vernio to Passo della Futa: The third stage connects San Quirico di Vernio to Passo della Futa. This stretch offers breathtaking views and allows you to walk among the same hills that were the scene of battles during the war.

This trail not only offers a historical overview but also the opportunity to immerse yourself in the nature and beauty of the Val di Bisenzio. Always remember to respect the environment and honor the memory of those who lived through those difficult times.